Sunday, October 08, 2006

Friday 6th October (Part 2)

After the Whimbrel performance, more birds dropped in. Around the time of high tide there was a whoosh of wings overhead and suddenly there were hundreds of birds all around me - Whimbrels and Bar-tailed Godwits to my left, Terek and Curlew Sandpipers to my right, and in front a selection of sandpipers, knots and plovers. It was a completely breathtaking spectacle!

At one point I pulled back the zoom to 100mm to try to give an impression of the scene. See how many species you can spot!

Eyes left! A Marsh Sandpiper (left) and a Greenshank move in unison.

I could take pictures of Greenshanks all day (Oh wait a minute - I did!). They are one of my favourite waders - so perfectly proportioned.

You'll have to bear with me posting a few more images of this exquisite shorebird!

Two draw alongside each other momentarily.

A Marsh Sand and a Greenshank adopt the 'field guide position'!

Another field guide pose, this time showing the differences between juvenile (front left) and adult Redshanks.

An adult Great Knot gets down to the serious business of bathing! Note the new central tail feathers.

Birds often raise their wings after bathing, but catching them at it is something I don't manage too often. A Great Knot airs its armpits!

A nice spangly juvenile Great Knot stands out among the dowdy adults.

Some of the Pacific Golden Plovers are still showing remnants of their breeding plumage.

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