Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Friday 3rd November - Mason and Olympic Park, Sydney

On my last day's birding for this trip I decided to return to Mason Park to try to get some better shots of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers. Unfortunately the weather frustrated me again. The light was if anything even worse than my previous visit, and showers were frequent.

I did succeed in getting brief distant views of a Pectoral Sandpiper which has been staying at Mason Park for a few weeks. It was a strikingly long-billed individual.

A first winter Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. It was interesting to note how much the plumage of these birds had changed since my earlier visit.

A leg-tagged Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, with the same combination of colours as the Red-necked Stint photographed here

A Yellow Thornbill in Olympic Park.

The lagoon at Olympic Park seen from the hide. It has quite an algae problem, which is currently being addressed.

Olympic Park had several parties of school kids wandering around it. This was obviously not so conducive to seeing birds, but I was glad to see that schools seem to have a policy of taking children outside the classroom and showing them the environment. I was very impressed by the interpretative facilities available for children in the park. Actually, the party of kids I shared the hide with over lunch was remarkably well-behaved and not that noisy!

A Red-necked Avocet in the rain.

A novel way of collecting rainwater!

This Purple Swamphen nearly flew into the hide!

I renewed my acquaintance with Channel-billed Cuckoo - being chased by ravens as usual!

This Australian Crake was seen as the result of accosting a birder and asking "Anything about?" Turned out he was a Dutch tourist who couldn't speak enough English to tell me, but I was very grateful when he pointed it out! It was the last of 38 new species for me on this trip.

My last bird picture taken on this trip - a Grey Teal.

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