Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February 20th, Fraser's Hill

I decided to get down to Jeriau waterfall early to try to see the Malaysian Whistling- Thrush. I was unsuccessful in that endeavour, but did see a good selection of birds - including a female Red-headed Trogon and a pair of Slaty-backed Forktails - and hear others, including Malaysian Eared Nightjar, Lesser Shortwing and the Whistling-Thrush.

A female Red-headed Trogon

Jeriau waterfall

This Asian Brown Flycatcher was a nice diversion at breakfast.

So was this male Oriental Magpie Robin!

After breakfast we packed a picnic and went to visit High Pines - one of my favourite places in the whole world! A stroll around the gardens revealed the usual residents and visitors - a pair of Little Pied Flycatchers, a pair of Large Niltavas, and a stunning male Mugimaki Flycatcher.

The view from High Pines can't be beat!

Even the stone bannisters of the verandah look stunning in their moss and lichen livery.

This male Large Niltava was not too bothered by my approach.

In fact, really not bothered at all!

Nor was this female Little Pied Flycatcher. It felt like a piece of the Garden of Eden!

In the late afternoon I went to the Telekom Loop, where I met Jason Tan, who, it turns out, is the distributor for Swarovski for Malaysia - a good guy to know! Check out his website. He told me about a fruiting tree by the road where he'd seen, among other birds, a Siberian Thrush. I had a look but it was a bit too late to get good pics. I made a mental note to come back tomorrow!

A Fire-tufted Barbet enjoys the last rays of the afternoon sun.

The 'Loop' was crawling with Sultan Tits this evening, splendid creatures in regal colours!

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