Friday, April 06, 2007

The wildlife of oil palm plantations - Part 2: Negeri Sembilan

This photo was taken by Rick Gregory, one of my colleagues on the trip.

This estate is located not far from Port Dickson, in Negeri Sembilan. The plantations there hold a precious jewel, nestled far away from roads and other public access - a freshwater swamp of simple but breathtaking beauty.

It must be far richer than our brief visit revealed, as much of it is impenetrable without a boat of some kind.

Acisoma panorpoides frequents the ditches around the swamp. This male is quite a stunner!

A small group of Blue-tailed Bee-eaters burned in the early morning sun.

This Blue-throated Bee-eater preferred to hunt alone.

Some ferns looking photogenic.

A couple of young Purple Herons were evidence of possible breeding at the site.

A Yellow Bittern dives for cover.

This Black Baza was one of a flock flushed from a tree where they had obviously roosted for the night. These birds are making their way northward to breed.

This Pacific Swallow, on the other hand, is a resident.

Peaceful Doves are a popular cage-bird, prized for their crooning abilities, so it is always good to see them in the wild.

A pair of Dollarbirds were prospecting this old tree around the main estate office, in competition with the local mynas.

Dollarbirds are so-called because their pale wing flashes apparently look like dollar signs... if you have a lot of imagination!

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