Saturday, January 12, 2008

2nd - 5th January, 2008: Perak, Part 1

I spent these few days doing some biodiversity surveys of several oil palm estates, looking at relic forest, some riverine swamp forest and other bits and pieces. Here are a few photos.

A blue bee isn't something you see every day!

Leaving a buffer zone either side of a stream and allowing natural vegetation to grow up like this has the effect of increasing biodiversity in an otherwise monocultural environment.

Long-tailed Macaques are a common and obvious inhabitant of the more forested areas.

This is a Tawny Coster, a recent colonizer of Peninsular Malaysia from the north. Originating in southern India, it first appeared in Thailand in the early 90s, before spreading south as far as Kuala Lumpur by about 1996.

About this time last year I was watching Malaysia's first Rosy Minivet. No such luck this time, though there were plenty of Ashy Minivets about.

Cratilla lineata was one of the commonest dragonflies, especially around the forest edges.

Another relatively recent arrival in the peninsula is White-breasted Woodswallow. First recorded in the south, they've now been seen as far north as Penang.

Four of a group of six Smooth Otters that were feeding on fish and molluscs in a small lake.

A nice comparison of Common and Wood Sandpipers ... on the deck ...

...and in flight.

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