Friday, April 11, 2008

7th April 2008: Kapar Power Station Ash Ponds, Selangor (Part 2)

Leaving the small wader roost at the far end of the ash pond, I drove round to the main roost on the east side of the pond. The light was great and the birds were close to the edge, but the problem was that I could not approach them without putting them all to flight.

A nice selection of species: Grey Plover, Common and Nordmann's Greenshanks, Marsh Sandpiper, Common Redshank, Bar and Black-tailed Godwits. There are three Nordmann's in this photo, all facing the camera, showing their characteristically broad-based bill and gleaming white underparts.

Here's a closer view of two Nordmann's (left and rear), with a Common Greenshank. The fact that they are standing in deep water nicely illustrates the longer legs of the Common!

A nice educational view of three close relatives, Marsh Sandpiper (front), Common Greenshank (right and rear left)) and Nordmann's (three birds on the left). Notice the chunky bill, 'fat face' and piggy-eyed appearance of the Nordmann's - possibly due to the fact that the eye seems to be set more centrally than on Common.

A couple of Nordmann's with two Grey Plovers, a Common Redshank and a Common Greenshank. The bird on the left is coming into breeding plumage, showing diffuse spotting on the breast and dark-centred, white-fringed scapulars and coverts with large white triangular notches.

Compared to Common Greenshank (front left), Nordmann's (two birds on the right) shows a much squarer, deeper, less attenuated body shape.

Here's a view with four Nordmann's and a lone Asian Dowitcher (one of three birds present).

There were other birds there too! This was part of a large flock of mainly stints, sand plovers and Curliew Sandpipers. I couldn't find the Spoon-billed in this lot. Can you?

There are a few Lesser Sand Plovers at the front of this flock coming into summer plumage. The chestnut colouration is deeper and redder than on Greater, and more extensive too.

A Caspian Tern flies out to sea.

And finally, spot the bird! There is one individual in this flock of a species I haven't mentioned so far. Can you find and identify it? (Click on the picture to get a larger view). Answer in the next post!

1 comment:

  1. Sanderling? One in right in the middle with black shoulder patch.
