Saturday, June 07, 2008

6th June 2008: Fraser's Hill, Part 7

Our last morning at the Hill, I decided to focus on trying to get better shots of the Malayan Whistling Thrush. The dawn was clear, but cloud soon descended!

A nice atmospheric shot of a thrush in the glow of a street lamp.

It seemed that the birds had accepted the presence of my hide by this time.

This shot shows both birds.

This picture shows the shiny blue forehead, contrasting with the dark lores, well.

A Rufous-browed Flycatcher had been visiting the same spot over the previous two days, and I finally managed a reasonable shot of it today!

I went for a short walk along Hemmant's Trail before check-out, and came across this solitary Malaysian Hill Partridge. Unfortunately I had my flash on the wrong setting, or it might have been a decent picture!

The same can be said of this record shot of a Buff-breasted Babbler, my last photo of the trip.

All in all, I felt this visit had been a successful one, with outstanding views of a number of tricky species, and a respectable total (for June) of 84 species. I saw Little Spiderhunter and Common Tailorbird at the top of the hill for the first time, a sign of rising temperatures? I saw Red Junglefowls at the Rubbish Dump again (first noted two years ago). Notable absentees from my list were Bronzed Drongo and Verditer Flycatcher.


  1. Anonymous8:09 pm

    Hi Dave. Fantastic series of posts and photos. Great reading. Thanks for taking the effort to get them online.

  2. Thanks Charlie. Always enjoy reading yours too!


  3. I have been thinking of a repeat visit to Fraser's and TN. Reading your blog sure amplifies the desire.

  4. Anonymous10:17 am

    I stumble upon your blog by accident. wow!! your shots are just mind blowing! keep up the great work, I sure will be back.

    greetings :]

  5. Anonymous5:43 pm

    Hi - you take great shots.
    Are you interested to come up to Borneo Highlands? We are organising our first Bird Race - it will be a mini one on the 19 October from 8.30am - 2.30pm. Doing it for public awareness and build interest in birds. Anyone interestd can join. Will be sending out notices by email by next Monday.
