Monday, August 25, 2008

18th-22nd August: Oil Palm plantation BioD surveys, Negeri Sembilan

With my big camera in hospital, no nice bird shots here, but a few to show what we got up to!

The best birds were probably the owls - 5 species, while 2 Leopard Cats were the pick of the mammals. I got 3 new dragonfly lifers too, but photos of only one of them.

This is Nannophya pygmaea, one of the smallest dragonflies in the world.

Check out the very cool shades!

This is a male Panorpoides acisoma, one of the most attractive of Malaysian dragonflies.

Plus two stowaways!

Another really smart species is Libellago lineata. This is a female. Males are even brighter!

Dragonfly hunting in mandatory safety clothing!

The last we saw of Ian (Part 1).

After we had trashed a Jimny gearbox... or, the last we saw of Ian (Part 2).

Su Li's reward for stream-dipping was this spectacular buffalo leech. After this one was removed she went straight back for more!

Some of our night survey finds:

A Common Bronzeback.

A Lesser Golden Fluffball roosting in the oil palm -

aka Common Iora.

And a Greater Golden Fluffball - or juv Black-naped Oriole.

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