Thursday, September 04, 2008

2nd Sept 2008: Mainland Penang

I started off at Air Hitam Dalam FR. There were plenty of Mangrove Blue Flycatchers around - at least 3 pairs. The song of these flycatchers sounds very similar to Tickell's Blue to my ears.

Two different males. Although the belly colour seems to vary between individuals, the pale orange vent seems to be a constant feature of this species.

This was the first time I've managed to photograph a female.

There were a number of migrant passerines about - my first Tiger Shrike, Yellow-rumped Flycatcher and Arctic Warbler of the season, as well as this obliging juvenile Drongo Cuckoo.

Abbott's Babbler were easily heard but less easily seen.

I got poor views of a female woodpecker, and couldn't decide whether it was Laced or Streak-breasted.The lack of streaking on the upper breast suggest Laced.

But the lack of clear black malar favours Streak-breasted.

Next I went to the Teluk Air Tawar coastline, timing my arrival to coincide with the rising tide. However, I wasn't able to find many waders - only about 400 - compared with the thousands that were at this site last season.

Finally I decided to check out Pulau Burung landfill site. Unfortunately the area where the waders roosted last year is now being used for landfill, so it is definitely past its best.

This is one of several Long-toed Stints that were feeding by the river. The extremely worn state of the primaries suggest that this is a 1st summer moulting into adult winter plumage. These primaries were originally grown about a year ago, so are definitely due for an upgrade!

Showing off its long toes!

In typical alert posture, this Long-toed Stint looks a bit like a scaled down Wood Sandpiper!

Adult and juv Black-winged Stilts, and a Wood Sandpiper.

Some mynas feeding in an area of white ash were nicely lit from below. This is a juv Common Myna.

And this one's a juv Jungle Myna

What are you looking at?!

A Jungle Myna that has moulted almost into adult plumage.

In a small pool next to the landfill I spotted this male Greater Painted Snipe with 3 youngsters. Sad!

I couldn't get any closer than this, and the light was fading as it started to rain.

A few shots in the rain to finish with - Wood Sandpipers and a Pacific Swallow.

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