Tuesday, October 28, 2008

24th October 2008, Mount Kinabalu HQ, Sabah

My last morning at the Park was spent up at the power station, trying to see the Fruithunter. I heard it a couple of times, but couldn't see it, so there's something to go back for!

Some of the other birds I saw while looking for the Fruithunter:

A Bornean Whistler

Another Bornean Whistling Thrush.

A Golden-naped Barbet.

There were a couple of White-browed Shrike Babblers singing.

A lousy pic but a good record! Not sure how many Yellow-browed (Inornate) Warblers have been recorded in Borneo, but it's not listed as having occurred in McKinnon. This one was calling and moving actively around the trees near the power station.

This Rajah Brooke's Birdwing put on quite a show at the entrance to the Pandanus trail.

At one point, it almost became breakfast for a White-crowned Forktail, which would have been a shame for such a magnificent beast.

A last walk along the Silau-silau trail produced a pair of Snowy-browed Flycatchers.

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