Monday, April 06, 2009

29th March 2009: Kapar Power Station, Selangor, Malaysia

A brief dawn foray before we set off back to Penang in the hope of a repeat of yesterday's godwit show, but we were foiled by mist!


In yesterday's sunlight, roosting godwits looked like burnished copper.


In this morning's gloom everything looks flat.

The appearance of a marauding Brahminy Kite causes the flock to take flight with a roar of wings.


A flock mainly of Common Redshanks and Terek sandpipers is crammed into one corner of the pond.


There seem to be two races of Redshanks here - 'craggi' on the right, and possibly 'terrignotae' on the left.

Discerning clearcut examples of Whimbrel races is less straightforward. There seem to be many degrees of intergrade between the barred underwings of 'variegatus' and the white underwing coverts of 'phaeopus'.

This one seems to be firmly in the 'variegatus' camp!

A picture of the upperwing for good measure.


Simon picked out this odd individual from among the 1,900 Whimbrels present. The pattern was the same on both sides of the head.

On our way back, we passed this photogenic Crested Serpent-Eagle by the side of the road. A good way to end a memorable two and a half days birding!

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