Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sungai Sedim, Kedah, Penang: 15th May, 2009

I've had a hankering to visit this site for some time, and finally did so yesterday. The weather was not at all promising - dawn was a wash-out, and I had forgotten that Friday is the weekend in Kedah, so the place was way busier than I'd excpected.

In spite of this, there were a few good birds around.

The view from the canopy walkway is spectacular.

Temminck's Sunbird is a species I rarely see in the Peninsula, though it is common enough in parts of Sabah.

This male Pale Blue Flycatcher was a pleasant surprise. As the photo shows, he was singing away, and was very showy.

White-bellied Yuhinas are common enough, but always difficult to get good shots of.

This Chestnut-breasted Malkoha was hunting for caterpillars around the car park.

Later on I found this Green-billed Malkoha. It had just been killed by a car unfortunately.

Moustached Babblers were singing everywhere.

I was sure when I photographed this that it was a new species of dragonfly for me, but on inspecting the books, it turned out to be a green morph of Ictinogomphus decoratus, a common species which is more usually yellow and black. Still a very nice-looking beast.


Jason Bugay Reyes said...

Nice shot Dave hahaha

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Ángel Zamora said...

Muy bonitas las aves y muy coloridas. Enhorabuena por el blog. Saludos. ANZAGA.

Sukahatiadam said...

White-bellied Yuhinas,Green-billed Malkoha, and Moustached Babblers are common at sedim but they beautiful birds. i still remember when i was a kid i used lastik to hunt them down.