Friday, September 04, 2009

1st and 3rd September, Bukit Merah, Perak

I had to make a trip to KL, so took the opportunity to make a dusk (1st) and dawn (3rd) visit to this large freshwater lake in the hopes of seeing the Dusky Eagle-owls that have frequented the area over the last few years (though there are few recent sightings).

The view at dawn looking both ways from the causeway across one section of the lake.

This Grey-headed Fish Eagle spent a long time sitting on this dead tree.

Enabling me to get a little closer to it.

While I waited at the owl stake-out - a couple of pylons by the road - this Plaintive Cuckoo entertained me hunting for caterpillars.

As dusk approached on the 1st, a large, broad-winged bird flew out of the plantation onto one of the pylons. I put my scope on the bird, confident that I had my Dusky Eagle Owl, but was immediately disappointed to see the small head of a raptor - a dark morph Changeable Hawk-Eagle! It was soon joined by another. This pair roosted on the pylon both days I was there, and was the nearest I came to seeing an owl! My miserable run on owls continues...!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave,
    I see you manage to see the GHFE on its favorite perch. Nice photo as well. Nice photo as well. Don't worry about the owl, I only saw it on my fifth trip
