Friday, November 13, 2009

10th November 2009: Bandar PERDA ricefields, Bukit Mertajam, mainland Penang

Some pics from a short late afternoon visit before rain stopped play!

Couldn't resist this obliging Wood Sandpiper!

This female Pied Harrier was a new Penang bird for me.

In flight the very white underwing and rear body, and the greyish bases to the primaries are distinctive of female Pied.

I found some tractors ploughing a field, and these are the pick of the Barn Swallows pictures I managed. No Red-rumped or Riparia martins among them today.

This one seemed to be managing OK without much of a tail.

And then the rain came! The flock of Pacific Golden Plovers came down in a field near the road and hunkered down.

The monsoon rains this year are exceptionally severe, so I guess they'd better get used to it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm dying for those raptor Dave.
    Great catch especially the aquila.
    You got it all at Kampung Pertama?

  3. Hi Terence

    At least 4 GS Eagles at Bandar Pertama ricefields yesterday!
