Sunday, December 20, 2009

18-19th December 2009: Snow in Suffolk!

Much to the delight of the kids, we have had a good snowfall over the last couple of days, turning the village into a winter wonderland!

There was even enough to build a proper snowman ... er snow person!It's the first time I've built (or contributed to building) a snowman since I was a very small boy!

We decided she was probably a prophetess warning of the impending weather effects of climate change.

I guess that there must have been quite an influx of winter birds with all the north-easterly winds, and there are certainly more Fieldfares around than a couple of days ago. Fieldfares are usually very shy and difficult to get close to, but this one was blind in the right eye, so didn't see me approaching.

As soon as it turned around and saw me with its good eye, it was off, and I only managed to snap a this single pic.

Still, it supplied me with a good eye, which enabled me to perform an eye operation on the bad eye in Photoshop - rather crudely as I am away from my home computer - but it will do for now.

Finally, some birds and snow - Meadow Pipit and Pied Wagtail on a muck-heap. That's it for now - next stop Portugal, and hopefully some warmer weather!

1 comment:

  1. Would love some snow here! We held a C'mas function for 45 orphanages here at home yesterday. We had a back drop on the stage with snow and a snowman.

    Here is a reminder what is waiting for you once back home.

    Merry Christmas!
