Tuesday, December 01, 2009

27th - 30th November 2009: Sheffield and the Peak district, UK

We've been staying on the edge of the Peak District for a few days with our friends the McAlls. Here are some pics from our travels.

We visited my namesake town - Bakewell - for the first time, and were very impressed!

Eurasian Jackdaws are attractive, and, in this case, very confiding.

Eurasian Coots are mega-rarities in Malaysia - not so here!

I'm used to Common Moorhens being shy and elusive!

An interesting variation on the normal plumage caused by partial leucism.

A short walk from our hosts' home there was a pair of (White-throated) Dippers, one of which was colour-ringed. The light was challenging and the birds wary, so this was the best I could manage.

Some views from Stannage Edge in the Peak District National Park:

There were no birds visible or audible except the occasional Red Grouse calls, which sound like a cross between a sheep and a duck. In amongst the vast swathes of heather, I didn't hold out much hope of seeing any, but spotted one calling while I stopped to snack on an apple.

First, some flight views.

Then a pair feeding close by which didn't seem too bothered by my presence.

The call sounds like "Go back! Go back! Go back!."

So I went back well satisfied!


  1. Great shots, especially the grouse.

  2. Anonymous5:30 pm

    Thanks for the Dipper,
    it is one of my (very few)
    temperate country dream birds.
    Choo Eng.
