Thursday, December 10, 2009

Saturday 5th December: More Starlings

I went back to the roost with my family in tow, and we were treated to an even more spectacular display than yesterday. The pictures tell the story.


  1. Fantastic. I've seen Tree Martins in Australia move as a giant mass, then pour into reeds for the night.

  2. Wow!.. Birds Swarm!.
    I'm already excited seeing a large flock of bee-eater roosting.
    I can't imagine seeing this kind of aerial display.

  3. Anonymous11:25 am

    Awesome, but could be considered
    as pest? or health hazzard from
    their droppings.
    In fact there is one building up
    over Butterworth near the Penang
    bridge. While on a MNS bird watching trip, at the break of dawn we saw a big swarn of
    1,000 plus - most likely Asian Glossy Starling.
    Choo Eng.

  4. Nature Watcher9:16 am

    WOW! Fantastic sight!
    I'm already fascinated when chanced to see a flock of 1,000 Purple-Backed Starlings congregating to roost.
    I can imagine the majestic sight of the giant flock twisting and turning in unison.

  5. Wow... amazing shapes! bird tornado ;)

    Erwin and Minke

  6. God was putting on a show and I was there to see it!
