Monday, January 04, 2010

25th December 2009: Olhos De Agua, the Algarve, Portugal

It was a different Christmas! We had booked lunch at a Chinese Restaurant in town, but as a good many of us were down with some kind of sickness, only a reduced crowd attended. After lunch a walk along the beach was in order to try to walk off some of those calories!

Some Great Cormorants sleeping off their Christmas lunch!

I don't normally photograph this species, but as it looked relatively wild and in its natural habitat, I snapped this Rock Dove/Feral Pigeon on a sea stack. Whether the Algarve has a relict population of wild birds I know not, but it looked good!

More Ruddy Turnstones.

A Whimbrel fly-past and another sitting on the cliffs, not a place you normally expect to see one.

Doughnut in the sky over Albufeira harbour.

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