Monday, February 22, 2010

19th February 2010: Fraser's Hill

The third resident species I haven't yet seen at Fraser's Hill is Long-billed Partridge, so I set my hide up on the Pine Tree trail at first light in hope! What I hadn't bargained for was a particularly numerous and irritating biting insect - too small to see but certainly not too small to feel! At times it felt as if my skin was crawling with the things, and I soon started getting lumps all over my hands and face. Staying still was a practical impossibility! Whether that mattered or not I don't know - in two hours I neither saw nor heard any sign of avian life!

The view from my hide (the Long-billed Partridges have been photoshopped out!).

Another view of the sun!

A mid-morning wander along Jalan Mager was uneventful except for distant views of this Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo. These drongos are common, but finding one with a full set of rackets isn't, so it's a shame it didn't hang around for better photos.

This Collared Owlet was perched quietly along Hemmant's Trail.

The cool thing about this owl is that it has a bluff 'face' on the back of its head, complete with eyes and bill!

Collared Owlets are usually unresponsive to imitations of their call, but I tried whistling, and the bird flew straight in.

It was then joined by a second bird and the two of them sat directly over my head - not great for taking pictures!

In the late afternoon I walked down the road to the Gap from the top gate. There was a little bird activity...

A small flock of foraging Grey-chinned Minivets, including this young male...

...And this adult male, which picked insects off the canopy while hovering.

There were also a couple of wintering Yellow-browed Warblers among the resident insectivore flocks.


  1. Beautiful shots as usual.

  2. Nice shot! I've been looking for the photo of the owlet bluff face for long..i captured it b4 but forgot to take back of the head shot!

  3. Hi. I love your site, but I have great doubts that it is a yellow-browed warbler. bill looks too long, supercilium too narrow, not as plump and round as this warbler usually looks like. i do not know the warblers regular here, but may I suggest you reconsider your ID, and perhaps post other pictures of this bird ? Best

  4. Thanks for the comment Alban. If you post me your email address I'll be happy to supply you with another pic or two of the warbler. The bird showed the familiar double wingbar, dark bases to remiges and pale edged tertials, as well as giving the characteristic 'pseeooweet' call, so I am 100% sure it was Yellow-browed!

