Wednesday, March 03, 2010

2nd March 2010:Tanjung Tokong and Bukit Penara, Penang

A quick after-work excursion to take visiting birder, Alan Wight out on a mission to see "shorebirds and nightbirds". The worst traffic Penang could throw at us did not prevent us reaching Tanjung Tokong in time to see a reasonable collection of shorebirds in the dying light, the highlight of which was a couple of male White-faced Plovers.

After dinner at the famous Gurney Drive hawker centre, we drove up to Air Hitam to look for night birds. Oriental Bay Owls were once again a no-show (have the birds left the area?), but this was somewhat compensated for by splendid views of

a Collared Scops Owl...

two Colugos...,

and the ever-dependable pair of Brown Hawk Owls at the carpark. On the way down, a Large-tailed Nightjar was a nice bonus for Alan.


  1. great shot, you are a very talented photographer, i am a great fan of your blog, btw, any chance of viewing some red jungle fowl..

  2. Hi Vincent. Not on Penang Island I'm sorry to say. I've got a female here:



  3. Thanks So much.. dave..
