Sunday, October 24, 2010

16th October 2010: Borneo Bird Festival, Sepilok, Sabah

Today was a 'working day', in that all of the speakers gave their presentations. There were some excellent talks, a full list of which can be found here, but not much time for birding!

Although I've seen Bristleheads once, at Danum Valley, I've never seen them at Sepilok, which is 'the' site for them. They were seen each day of the festival, but I maintained my Bristlehead-free record (extending it to 8 days and counting!), and the only bird on view from the canopy walkway was this Slender-billed Crow.

Back at the Nature Resort, the usual suspects were making their way too and from the fruiting tree...

A female (top) and two male Black Hornbills.

The female Rhino enjoying the evening sun.

A Blue-winged Pitta was calling from the scrub across the lake from my chalet. This is a common bird in parts of northern Peninsular Malaysia but is apparently less so in Sabah, judging from the amount of interest it generated among local birders! It got progressively less showy as time went on, but was nevertheless quite obliging both morning and afternoon.

This Brown-throated Sunbird was camped in the flowers outside my chalet (what are they called by the way?) and would not allow any other birds near, much to my frustration, as both Little and Thick-billed Spiderhunters were trying to come to feed as well!

The swiflets weren't flying so near today, so this was the best I got - a Mossy-nest Swiftlet.

This was a bonus, a male Blue-eared Kingfisher against some attractive reflections!

I did a short night-walk, and this Brown Boobook ('borneensis' race) was the only fruit for my labours.

1 comment:

  1. ARGH...must go back to try the Blue-winged Pitta.
