Monday, October 25, 2010

18th October 2010 Danum Valley Borneo Rainforest Lodge

I'd heard a lot about 'BRL', but this was my first chance to pay a visit, so I was pretty excited!

Alan and I arrived in time for a superb lunch, then a rest, which I spent in my personal outdoor pool overlooking the river and forest beyond!

The room's electrics are all solar-powered, though I barely used the fan the whole trip, as the forest is refreshingly cool.

From the balcony I have a view of the river Danum and forest which has been unchanged for millenia!

My first new bird flew in as we were enjoying lunch - a Great-billed Heron.

Between my chalet and the dining room there was so much bird activity it was difficult to know where to look!

There were Spectacled Spiderhunters in the Indian Coral trees...

... a pair of Whiskered Treeswifts at eye-level in the small trees lining the boardwalk.

The treeswifts started to call in alarm, alerting me to a Wallace's Hawk-eagle which flew into one of the larger trees briefly, before flying off again.

Meanwhile, a Wreathed Hornbill flew directly overhead...and I hadn't even got into the forest yet!

At three thirty we met up with our guide, the legendary Wang Kong, and we set off into the forest, with our number one target - Giant Pitta. We had a prolonged 'conversation' with one, but got no views. This Ferruginous Babbler was scant consolation!

Oh well, there's always tomorrow!


  1. I was planning on visiting Danum Vally soon, any good, and can I trouble you for a lead for the travel/accommodation arrangement?

    Thanking you in advance.

  2. Nice eye level Treeswift.
