Thursday, December 09, 2010

Only if you're English...!

This visit to Austrlia has been insightful for me in at least one way. Despite living for most of my adult life in Asia, and feeling very at home there, I've discovered during the last couple of weeks that a very English heart still beats within!

With apologies to all readers who have no interest in cricket, and to all my Aussie friends, have a read of this!

It's a great time to be in Australia if you're English!


  1. It's a sad time for Aussie cricket at the moment. :(

  2. any good aussie birds to share?

  3. Mark, yes, a slump is inevitable when you lose players like McGrath and Warnie I suppose. But I am sure the Aussies will rise again, which is why I'm making the most of it now!! BTW, did you get my email response to yours?

    Tou ... yes, lots... but it takes a while to process all the pics. Sabar sabar!


  4. One win each now, David !

    England's 123 in the 2nd innings was abject - just like the England of old !
