Wednesday, January 19, 2011

18 January 2011: Kamunting mining ponds, Perak

This was a quick 'twitch' to see a Little Cormorant reported over the weekend. The light was terrible first thing in the morning, but the bird obliged, despite being rather distant!

This scarce, but probably annual visitor was a new Malaysian bird for me. Thanks to Kim Chye, Yian and Terence for getting the news out promptly!

There was also a pair of Cotton Pygmy-geese at the pond. This is one of them.

Another good bird was a Lanceolated Warbler, which I flushed while trying to get around to the sunny side of the lake. It didn't stay visible long enough for a photo however.

A Lesser Coucal sunning itself provided another opportunity to try out the new digiscoping set-up.

This was a dragonfly 'lifer' for me - Neurothemis tullia. Very common in this habitat.

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