Wednesday, January 26, 2011

21 January 2011: Sarawak Waterbird Survey

Day 2 of our aerial surveys saw us heading up to Sibu and then on to Pulau Bruit, which was a haven for waterbirds back in the 1980s.

This Pacific Golden Plover was completely unconcerned when we touched down next to it at Sibu to refuel. Perhaops it thought we were another bird!

This sandbar on the bleak northern shore of Pulau Patok was about as remote as you can get.

So no surprises that it was the site of a large shorebird roost!

Ruddy Turnstones stand out with their distinctive piebald plumage.

There were double figures of Lesser Adjutants on the island. We found a roosting tree but no nests.

Common Redshanks seem to be a surprisingly scarce bird in Sarawak. This was the first and only flock we saw from the chopper.

Terek Sandpipers, on the other hand, are very common indeed!

There were a few quite big egret roosts.

Roosts were made up of Great, Little and Chinese Egrets, with Chinese apparently the majority.

A Chinese between two Little Egrets.

For details of how you can volunteer to take part in the Sarawak Waterbird Survey, see here.


  1. Dave, it is so good to know that the survey bears result and it so exiting to know that they are roasting in Borneo and hopefully there will be way of getting to this place by road.


  2. Impressive piece of hardware there, I mean the heli. :D
