Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New digiscoping camera: Canon S95

Our house was burgled 10 days ago! The thief broke in while we were asleep and took my laptop and digiscoping camera - my beloved Nikon CP8400. On the plus side, I had just reformatted the hard drive on the laptop and had cleared everything off prior to that, so I lost nothing on the laptop. And of course, he left us alone, so I'm extremely grateful for that!

Still, with coastal surveys in Sarawak looming, I really needed to replace my digiscoping camera quickly, and after a bit of reading, plumped for the Canon Powershot S95.

My first shots out of my open bedroom window, taken in the late afternoon:

Yellow-vented Bulbul

This particular Yellow-vented is paired with an escapee Red-whiskered Bulbul! It'll be interesting to see if they produce any offspring.

The camera is tiny compared with my old CP8400, and much faster and easier to use too. I miss the Electonic Viewfinder and angled LCD screen, but this one seems quite promising.


  1. Sorry to hear about the theft! The S95 looks good!

  2. Anonymous11:50 pm

    I love that canon s95 black friday Thanks
