Friday, April 15, 2011

21 March 2011 (morning): Kapar Power Station, Selangor

Well, here's a challenge! How to distill 950 photos into a readable blog post?! Perhaps the answer is to break it up into sections - so here goes!

My last visit to Kapar was 31 Jan 2010 - over a year ago! I was determined not to let another spring passage go by without spending some time at my favourite place, so I booked in for two days at the end of March, and another 2 at the beginning of April, which seems to be the best time to catch birds in numbers and in their best spring finery.

A 5-hour drive from Penang gave me just enough time to scout out the place in the late afternoon the previous day. The large ashpond was largely dry and devoid of birds, except for a large but rather distant roost of 3,700 Eurasian Curlews, 4 Eastern Curlews,1,230 Gull-billed Terns and 29 Caspians. The smaller ashpond, by contrast, was absolutely full of birds, and I spent some time planning where to site my hide the following morning. Then it was off to a nearby hotel for an early night, praying for a golden sunrise!

I was back on site by 5am. The birds are much more tolerant of approach in the dark, so I was able to set up my hide and get in without the birds flying. They simply walked away a bit, and then returned within half an hour or so. There followed a long, mosquito-bitten 2-hr wait for the daylight!

A couple of shots taken in the glow of the security lights. The alert bird in the centre facing left is a Common Greenshank and the one sleeping to its left is a Nordmann's!

A Grey Heron (right) dwarfs the waders.

The morning high tide brings in fewer birds to this particular site than the afternoon one for some reason, but there are still a LOT of birds!

A few of the 2,500 Bar-tailed Godwits!

A couple of Asian Dowitchers appeared momentarily in the crowd.

There were 700 or so Whimbrel.

Ruddy Turnstones were dotted about here and there, but the males in really red plumage kept their distance, so I had to make do with this duller individual.

Marsh Sandpipers look stunning at this time of year.

There were about 400 of them!

Spot the odd one out. You should be able to find a Common Greenshank in this flock!

One of the incredible variety of breeding-plumaged Common Redshanks - only 500 of them today.

By 9 o'clock the birds started to leave as the tide was falling, so it was time for me to pack up as well, for some breakfast and a sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your photographs and write-ups. You started blogging in 2006. You also paint. The selective eyes and mind of the artist make your blog captivating. Thank you very much for sharing values and passion. With appreciation, Michael Quah.
