Saturday, July 30, 2011

26th July 2011: Sungai Perdik, Ulu Langat, Selangor

This was my first visit to Sungai Perdik, which lies in the foothills of the main Titiwangsa range near Gunung Nuang. I was very impressed with the variety of birds there, with activity continuing well into the late morning.

Frustratingly, I couldn't identify potentially the best birds of the visit - a pair of partridges which scuttled off into the undergrowth without me getting my bins onto them. A pair of Jambu Fruit Doves eluded my camera, as did a male Green Broadbill. Some of the species I did manage to capture are below.

I glimpsed the partridges while photographing this Black-capped Babbler.

For my second consecutive trip I managed to photograph Siamangs - these ones were definitely undomesticated!

Rufous-fronted Babbler is a species I rarely see and have not photographed in the Peninsula before. I was surprised to see the bright pink base to the lower mandible, as it's not shown in any of the books I looked at. Perhaps it only occurs during peak breeding time, like on some herons?

One of a few Black-and-Red Broadbills which were active.

Numerous fruiting trees attracted a variety of bulbuls, including Black-headed.


  1. If you are visiting here again, i could bring you to a place not too far from Perdik where you could listen to the soft whistling calls of a crested patridge. Hv heard it a few times myself but each time it was in the thick undergrowth.

  2. Hi Ronnie

    Ah - that might be what I saw then. I look forward to getting another chance to visit.
