Thursday, January 12, 2012

Migratory Birds in Plantations

In my work with Wild Asia I recently helped produce a guide to migratory birds in oil palm plantations. The aim of this guide (three others will follow this one) is to inform plantation managers of the value of the wild spaces in their plantations for migratory birds, and what can be done to enhance these.

If you want to download a pdf version of the guide and posters, you can do so at this link. If you'd like hard copies, please contact Wild Asia (not me!).


  1. Wld be good if a BM version is made available so that info can be disseminated down further.


  2. It's an attractive-looking booklet, and must have taken a lot of work to put together - good luck with it !

  3. probably also in Chinese provided that quite a number of oil plantations are probably owned by Chinese as well....
