Friday, March 16, 2012

15 March 2012: Bukit Larut, Perak

This was a bare-faced twitch!

A male White-throated Rock-thrush has been showing well for photographers since it was found by Mun on 25 Feb, and, since it's a species I'd yet to connect with in Malaysia, I had been tempted to go for quite a while.

Things finally came together yesterday, and Choo Eng, James and I took the hour or so trip south. It proved to be a good decision!

This was my first view of the bird as it alighted momentarily, in full sunlight, on an overhead wire. It proved to be the only shot I got of it in sunlight the whole day!

As I watched the bird sit motionless for long periods, I realized I've probably walked past more of these than I've had hot dinners - well - you get the point!

People have regularly been putting mealworms out for this bird, and even set up a perch for it to land on! Well - these shots look a bit 'staged' to my eyes, but I'm not complaining too much!

This is how it spent most of its time, just sitting quietly in the undergrowth.

A few other birds did distract my attention too!

Ashy Minivets got a good grilling, but proved to be just Ashy!

There were lots of Eastern Crowned-warblers about, and several were singing their 'fizzy' songs - delightful!

The warblers were roaming around with a pack of Everett's White-eyes...

... and White-bellied Yuhinas (which I should really call Erpornises, except that I find that difficult to do without conjuring up an image of some kind of dinosaur!)

And finally, a Golden Babbler peered into my lens to check me out!

So - thanks to Mun for finding this bird - you might want to make another visit to finally get some pictures! Oh - there's a video of it here.


  1. Staged or not those are excellent photos Dave, good work.

  2. Superb shots! Regret that i didn't joined. But i got work to do..huhu..

  3. Beautiful images of the Rock-thrush. Now, I'm really tempted to make another trip there.

  4. lovely series it especially on R.T. Trying to mail you on my Malayan Nite Heron..but still cant get thru..dont mind to mail me your email address..


  5. Great documentation Dave, I'm tempted to go and have a look at the the Thrush.

  6. Brilliant shots of the rockthrush, the one that I'm still missing!
