Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Suara Enggang Dec 2011 finally out!

With many apologies, the Dec 2011 issue of SE is finally out, and should be in subscribers' postboxes in the next week.

The delay was due to a combination of several factors - me being in the UK for November and December, then Chinese New Year, and finally there was an unexpected need to find a new printer...

Obviously this means that the March and probably the June issue will also be somewhat delayed, but the Editorial team is working hard to get things back on schedule!


  1. Got my copy at the recent RW 2012. Thanks to SBBG.

  2. Great - hopefully the posted ones shouldn't be too far behind!

  3. will try to have a look if it had arrived at my mailbox yet, or else I might only see it after my return from Taiwan.
