Monday, June 18, 2012


As the Editor of Suara Enggang, I apologize for the very late appearance of 2012 issues to date. This has been due to "unavoidable circumstances" which we hope have now been fully resolved. As you can see, the first proofs of the March issue are now in circulation. The cover photo of a Plaintive Cuckoo by Ingo Waschkies raises the bar yet again, and the contents will, we hope, offer something of interest to Malaysian birders from both East and West.

The Editorial Team and Designer are working extra hard to try to get both the March and June issues distributed by Aug 31. Thereafter, we'll be doing our best to get the final two issues of the year nearer to schedule.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!


  1. GREAT! I was so excited when I saw the mail from MNS last Friday with the SE size, open it a bit disappointed to find that it is the Malaysian Naturalist but some good topics there as well for the issue and is stretching out for this new issue, looks like some very interesting topics are covered in the issue, hope that it can quickly be printed and sent to us....... (saliva dripping....)

  2. As I mentioned above Tou, don't expect it much before the end of August!
