Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February 21st, Fraser's Hill

I needed to make a trip to KKB (that's the nearest town - Kuala Kubu Baru - to give it its full name) today to fill up with petrol, so I set off early. On my way down the road to the Gap I saw a Malaysian Whistling-Thrush briefly in the headlights, and flushed an unidentified nightjar off the road a little lower down. The drive to and from KKB was uneventful apart from a Chestnut-crowned Forktail and lots of White-rumped Shamas flying up off the road.

I spent a few hours around the Gap again, hoping for parrotfinches or Bamboo Woodpecker, but again was unsuccessful, though I did see a good selection of other stuff.

An Ochraceous Bulbul in a fruiting tree.

A Drongo Cuckoo takes a long hard look!

This Black-crested Bulbul was one of a pair at the Gap

A Tiger Shrike - possibly a 1st year male, since it shows signs of an adult male-type head pattern.

Eventually I had to give up on my target birds and head back up the Hill. Back at the fruiting tree in late afternoon the feast was in full swing.

Black-browed Barbets are common, but spectacular!

Another view from below.

And a Fire-tufted Barbet (note the fiery tuft at the base of his bill). Not sure if he's looking at me or eyeing up his next berry.

A male Grey-chinned Minivet - another common bird on the Hill. Fraser's Hill doesn't have too many dull-coloured birds!

A Blue Nuthatch - surely the weirdest of the nuthatches!

And finally, just as I had actually got into the car and was about to drive off, the Siberian Thrush arrived!

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