Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February 22nd, Fraser's Hill

Our last full day on the Hill, and still no sign of my Big Five most wanted! I decided to go down the road to Jeriau waterfall again, and dropped in on one little patch of forest that was alive with birds for a good hour. The Red-headed Trogons were around almost constantly, both the male and female and possible a juvenile bird as well.

The female trogon, trying to hide behind a branch

And here's the male, suitably red-headed.

Taking a closer look.

I caught this romantic couple being all lovey-dovey - Little Cuckoo Dovey to be precise!

A fern in the early morning forest light.

A little flock of Blue Nuthatches spent some time around the road, but they are so fast that they're extremely difficult to get good pics of. Here are my best attempts.

I called in at the house to see if I was being missed, but the family were into some serious mah jong, so I was able to pop out again!

I went back to the fruiting tree for a last look.

I was quite pleased with this portrait of a Mountain Bulbul.

On our last evening, my wife and I decided to have a final try for owls. On the first night I'd had a brief glimpse of a Mountain Scops Owl, but we were hoping for better. We were rewarded by a very obliging bird that came and sat in front of us four times.

The last two times it sat close and stayed for a few minutes calling. However, during the first of these, my autofocus wouldn't lock onto the bird, and I only managed a blurry shot as it flew off! Frustration!

Fortunately it came back, and I was able to use manual focus to get a reasonable shot. So - one down, four to go! Something to come back for next year!


  1. That Scops Owl has eluded me as well for years now.

    Nice pix of the Barbets and the Nuthatch. Such lovely birds.

    Tx for the story. Wouldn't mind going back there again...

  2. Anonymous1:25 pm

    amazing... ur very lucky to see a mountain scops owl.. and get photos as well...

