Monday, March 03, 2008

1st March 2008: Cameron Highlands

Any hobbits about? The mossy forest on top of Mount Brinchang

The view (when there eventually was one) looking down from the trail to Mount Irau.

I spent the first few hours of the day up in the mossy forest at the top of Mount Brinchang. Most of this was spent in semi-gloom and thick cloud, so, while birds were about, photographing them wasn't easy. Snowy-browed Flycatchers, White-tailed Robins and Mugimaki Flycatchers seemed quite abundant, and I found a single female Siberian Thrush feeding in a fruiting tree.

A Black Eagle appeared briefly out of the clouds. They always seem to me to have unfeasibly large wings!

Back down below, I spent some more time waiting for the thrush to put in appearance, and was rewarded instead by a pair of Slaty-backed Forktails. This one seems to be nursing an injured leg.

Enjoying a rare bit of sun!

White-tailed Robins are fairly abundant and easy to see, except when you're carrying a camera apparently! I got this dim and distant photo of a female as it perched on a wheelbarrow in a garden plot.

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