Monday, March 03, 2008

2nd March 2008: Cameron Highlands

Sun at last! After a few more shots of the obliging thrush first thing, it was up to the top of Brinchang again. Blue skies below can be deceiving though - the summit was still wrapped in cloud!

Every once in a while in the deep green forest there is a splash of vivid red - the so-called Lipstick plant or Aeschynanthus

And a stunning orchid hidden amongst the dripping moss.

This unknown (to me!) agamid lizard was warming itself on the road near the summit.

A fine adult male Mugimaki Flycatcher was using the perimeter fence of the radio towers at the summit as a vantage point from which to hunt.

Normally denizens of the forest, a pair of Streaked Wren Babblers was feeding young in the tea plantation at the base of the mountain.

And while driving along the same road, I got this single lucky shot of a male White-tailed Robin feeding by the roadside.

Cameron is the best place I know in Malaysia to see Grey-faced Buzzard during the northern winter, and this visit I wasn't disappointed!

So one morning left, and two of my three 'target' species in the bag! Would tomorrow yield the third??

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