Monday, March 03, 2008

3rd March 2008: Cameron Highlands

I had just a few hours before checking out and beginning the drive home. I settled myself at a roadside spot where there was a good selection of birds singing and waited.

First to show was this splendid male Lesser Shortwing. The male of this race (wrayi) looks completely different from the 'carolinae' race I photographed on Doi Inthanon in January

At the same spot, a Pygmy Wren Babbler began singing, and it eventually gave itself up by perching on an exposed branch in the undergrowth.

Half bird, half mouse! The last 'target bird' of the trip on my last day!

The trip down to Simpang Pulai was interspersed with various roadside diversions.

The first emergency stop was caused by several squadrons of Brown Needletails wheeling around in display flight - fabulous birds!

I made several fruitless inspections of bamboo clumps - I'm racking up the hours, and one day I WILL bump into Pin-tailed Parrotfinches - I hope!

The last stop was an old favourite - a haven for butterflies, and in particular, Rajah Brooke's Birdwing.

'Paranticopsis delessertii' or Malayan Zebra, drinking at a muddy pool.

'Cyrestis lutea', one of the Map-wing butterflies, one of my favourites!

The Common Caerulean (Jamides celeno) is a 'blue' that is practically white on the upper surface of the wings.

The best I could do of a Rajah Brooke's Birdwing. Constantly on the wing, these bird-sized buuterflies are stunning - especially when seen in their natural environment.

I'll finish with a big bee! It's worth clicking on this image to see the detail!

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