Tuesday, February 03, 2009

29th January 2009: Fraser's Hill

First thing I had another go at photographing Siberian Thrushes - unsuccessful! This was partly compensated for by a single lucky shot of a Black Laughingthrush.

Plus bee! I just can't get over the colour of that bill!

And a brief but photographically satisfying encounter with a Red-headed Trogon.

Things continued to get better with my first sighting of a Cutia - now Himalayan Cutia - for about 19 years!

The female was a little reticent.

But the male was stunningly obliging!

Despite a deterioration in the weather in the afternoon, I managed these shots of a Chestnut-backed Scimitar0Babbler.

And this Grey Wagtail was the only fruit of my frequent searches for roadside thrushes!