Tuesday, February 03, 2009

30th January 2009: Fraser's Hill

The day started bright weatherwise, and I had a nice close encounter with a Streaked Wren-Babbler.

More tantalizing was having duetting Malayan Partridges on BOTH sides of the road; one pair was spitting distance away, but remained completely invisible in the dense undergrowth!

Later in the morning I heard a Mountain Peacock-Pheasant calling, and had the briefest of glimpses of it as it ran across the trail in front of me.

By lunchtime the weather had closed in, with fog and frequent rain. This isn't the best picture you'll see of a Red-bearded Bee-eater, but you don't often get to see pics of them in flight, so I thought I'd include this one!

This male Black-throated Sunbird provided some armchair bird-spotting for the family after it flew into a bedroom!

In the afternoon I got caught in a heavy rain shower and got thoroughly soaked. But at least I got a passable shot of a subadult male Siberian Thrush by the road - at last!

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