Sunday, April 17, 2011

4th April 2011, am: Kapar Power Station, Selangor

As usual I set my hide up on a grassy promontory at the edge of the small ashpond. There had been torrential rain overnight, and it was still raining as I entered my hide at around 5.30am, but I was hopeful that the weather would clear. It didn't, and after some time I realized that I was sitting in 6 inches of water, as were my camera bags! Getting out of my hide, I saw that the water level had risen significantly, and I was now on a soggy islet surrounded by water!

Beating a hasty and wet retreat to the car, I retrieved the situation somewhat by taking a few photos from the car before heading back to the hotel to dry out!

There was a small flock of Common Redshanks and Curlew Sandpipers close enough for photography at the far end of the pond, and the rain cleared at dawn to allow me to take a few digiscoped shots.

Some assorted Common Redshanks.

Some Curlew Sandpipers in fresh breeding plumage. Those pale feather edges will soon wear away, making the chestnut appear brighter and brighter. Take a look at this post to see how this works.

Curlew Sandpipers, Common Redshanks and a Marsh Sandpiper. The calls are mostly Terek Sandpipers. Full video here.

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