Friday, May 11, 2012

Quiz: Your tern!

Taken at sea yesterday off the Kedah coast - let me know what you think these are!


  1. My lame attempt: Lesser crested tern and Common tern (longipennis)?

  2. Correct!!! Muin I wonder if U free this Sunday

  3. Oh... well OK then - I guess that's the end of the quiz!

    Actually, the Common Tern has a rather red bill, which means it's probably not longipennis, but the image is too small for you to see that, so well done Muin!

  4. Anonymous5:52 pm

    There I was all geared up to put in my guess, clicked on the comment button and saw the answers! Luckily I was going to say the same species.. (but I would say that, wouldn't I!) :)

  5. Sorry about that Terry - I'll have to get Hakim to curb his enthusiasm next time!
