Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Want to see Swinhoe's Storm-petrel and Aleutian Tern in Peninsular Malaysia?

Anyone out there with a day to spare, some sunblock and a pioneering spirit? Then here's a suggestion!

First, let me draw your attention to Con Foley's wonderful account of a pioneering trip out from Parit Jawa, Johor he made last November with Danny Lau and Lau Jia Sheng: http://confoley.com/trip-to-parit-jawa

In just three hours, they saw a dozen Aleutian Terns (they were the commonest tern out there!) and Jia Sheng had tantalising views of an all-dark storm-petrel - probably Swinhoe's. They saw more  off Parit Jawa in three hours than they typically do all day on a Singapore pelagic outing.

Fast forward to last weekend, and the monthly pelagic trip in Singapore waters. For Con's account and scintillating photos, go to: http://confoley.com/pelagic-outing-may-2012. Almost a hundred Swinhoe's Storm-petrels!

So, my suggestion is, take the plunge, dive in, get your feet wet (all metaphorically speaking of course!), get down to Parit Jawa, get onto one of those little fishing boats, and get Swinhoe's Storm-petrel (and quite possibly Aleutian Tern, Short-tailed Shearwater and a few jaegers) on your Pen Mal list THIS WEEKEND!

Lastly - let me know how you get on!


  1. Im planning a trip from Kuala Selangor. Wanna join?

  2. It's parochial of me, I know, but I'd love a Swinhoe's Storm Petrel up here in Hong Kong !

    Anyway, "Well Done" to Con Foley and the others...and I'll bookmark Con's site for sure !

  3. The plan is - on Wednesday, Dave and group will cover Port Dickson, Terence cover Kuala Selangor and I do Tanjung Dawai...we compare the result on IBW

  4. This wednesday tak jadi le. me still in sabah
