Apart from my sessions, we were treated to a presentation of pictures by local wader 'sifu' Karim Madoya, which we all enjoyed.

Is this the largest flock of birders ever recorded on an East Malaysian mudflat? This was our first morning fieldtrip. We were treated to a great comparative display of 6 species of plovers, including a Common Ringed Plover, my first in Asia.

A diligent student! Participants were taught a simple way to take field notes when confronted with an unfamiliar wader. Note-taking, though hard work in the hot sun, is the best way to turn hours in the field into field-knowledge.

Finding shade was a top priority as the sun warmed up.

Sometimes we had to create our own!

Our last field session was spent doing a trial Asian Waterbird Census count. Counting teams composed of counters and scribes fanned out to count all the waterbirds in Tanjung Aru bay.

Karim (left) and Wesley totting up their final totals.

We made it! Time for a smile and a group photo after 3 days of late nights, early mornings and baking hot weather. Happy wader watching and counting!
For a fuller account of the workshop, take a look here.
Good evening Mr Dave,
It's good to see my pic uploaded in your blog. Nice.
Hope to see you again.
Btw, my name there is incorrect. Not Hasri but Wesley.
God Blessed Your Hardwork.
Wesley & Suhaino
hahaha thanks dave for the workshop !
Whoops, sorry Wesley. Still tired when I uploaded this. I have made the necessary change!
Hey! Hey! Ga-zillion Thanks Dave for a great workshop! We'd all be too eager to have you come around to East Malaysia again ... either for an "Intermediate Wader Workshop" or "A Weekend FieldTrip of Wader Watching".
Do you mind if I link your blog to MNS Miri article? I'll beef up this MNS Miri article http://www.mns.org.my/artstate.php?aid=423 in the next few days when I have access to my photoshop!
Thanks for the knowledge which is very priceless and hope to have another workshop in the very near future.
Just yesterday a newcomer landed at the (nearly) the same spot at Penampang road. Black Collared Starling - www.degullacion.blogspot.com and Karim managed to take picture of Chestnut Cheek Starling, which both are visitors.
hi Dave, it's Suhaino, unfortunately i dont have blog.
would like to add some here, i also do have similar picture of a 'bird flock' up there. i'll email u some of my pic taken with my phone during the wader-glory-workshop.
and nazeri ask me to send him my sketches (appreciate that) - but do i have to brush the lines that distracting the sketches? - coz it was drown on school-boy excercise book.
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