I went back to the place where the Redshanks were feeding the other day in the hope of getting more photos, but sadly, none came. Numbers of waders were well down, with only about 10 Common Redshanks, 5 Common Greenshanks and a few Whimbrel about.
But there were still the egrets and herons!

This Great Egret was waiting for the receding tide to make the water shallow enough to stand in.

Choosing the best spot!

Or maybe it would be better over here!

I don't know anything about aerodynamics, but it looks as though air turbulence caused by the bird braking is ruffling up the coverts as it comes in to land.

Got one!

The aptly named Great Egret and Little Egret!

Little Egrets were also after the best fishing spot.

Sometimes they hunt alone ...

...Sometimes in groups.

Here's a first year Little Heron again.

And this is an adult, aged by the lack of brown tones on the lesser coverts and face.

This bird had a different approach to finding the best hunting spot!

This hardly looked feasible till I saw the bird actually make a strike!

No doubt it surprised the mudskipper as well!
What is your tripod now ? Is it carbon fibre and what brand ?
Great shots. love the last three. sneaky catch!
Thanks Tom.
Jason, my tripod is still my 25++ yr old aluminium Velbon which moves at every joint!!
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