In a dry field nearby there were quite a few 'Swintail' Snipe (Pintail or Swinhoe's), including this close bird busily digging for prey.

The eyes are located so centrally on the head that they allow the bird to see well both in front and behind! I got a good view of the tail as the bird walked away, but not of the diagnostic outer tail feathers.

I paid a first visit to Kinta Nature Park, which has been in the news lately, as efforts are being made to rescue the park from the illegal sand-mining and duck-farming activities that are rampant. Sadly, these were still much in evidence during my visit. Still, the heronry, shown here, was an impressive sight, with large numbers of Grey and Purple Herons, Little Egrets and Black-crowned Night Herons in evidence.

Even though many nests had young, nest-building seemed to be an ongoing activity. This Grey Heron obviously had ambitious plans for an extension!

The heronry provided a good opportunity to photograph herons in flight.



and Little Egrets.

Here's a composite image of Grey and Purple Herons in flight. Purple has much shallower wingbeats, which gives the impression that it is a smaller bird. The neck is more angular, the wings narrower, the bill finer and the feet larger than Grey, which all adds up to a distinctive silhouette that can be picked out a great range.

Both Grey and Purple occasionally fly with necks outstretched, which creates a very odd impression! This Purple is in full breeding condition, with legs and bill base flushed violent red.

A loafer 'hangin out'!
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