A Wood Sandpiper, taken at 20x and 60x:

The background looks as if it's been 'cloned' in Photoshop, but honestly, it's all natural!

Having had a look at White-headed Stilts recently in Sydney, I paid a bit more attention to a pair of Black-winged Stilts which were close by today. Here's the female.

And this is the male. I got a recording of the call too, so when I get round to it, I'll make sonograms of the two.

I noticed he had a pale grey, rather than white, tail. I didn't notice this on the White-headed Stilts I saw in Sydney.
The light was ideal for flight photography, so I was a bit disappointed not to get better results (with my DSLR!).

Common Sandpiper.

Wood Sandpiper.

Lesser Whistling-duck.

Highlight of the morning was these five Smooth Otters.

The birds were nervous of the otter, but I think the otter was more worried (or curious?) about me!

This Eastern Yellow Wagtail's sharp eyes meant curtains for the bug hiding under the leaf!

'Tschutschensis' I presume!

And a typical view of a flushed Pintail/Swinhoe's Snipe!
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