A pair of Common Iora's near RDC entrance. The calls of this 'aequanimis' race are very different from those I am familiar with on the Peninsula, and the birds look heavier billed too.

This endemic 'nigrimentum' race of Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker has much more extensive black on the throat and sides than the Peninsula race - a smart bird!

My daily pic of the Van Hasselt's Sunbird!
My vigil on the canopy walkway was cut short by the sound of a calling Black-and-Crimson Pitta in the forest below. I decided that a bird in the bush was worth more than no birds in the canopy, so I went down to try to get a view.

The bird eventually showed itself to me well after about an hour of effort. Having only had fairly poor views of one at Danum Valley previously, I was very happy with this one!

The light was even good enough to allow some decent shots without flash (lower pic).

Nearby a group of Short-tailed Babblers were displaying to one another.

A bit further on, a pair of White-chested Babblers foraged near a stream.

A pair of White-bellied Woodpeckers gave distant views.

In the late afternoon the flying squirrels were active once again, though there were fewer animals than yesterday. Once again, no Bristleheads, but by now this didn't seem so surprising!
Hey! From a birder you had
gone to be an animal action
photographer of flying squirrels.
Choo Eng.
Congrats on the Pitta, it carries a lot of 'weight'......
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