Here are all the Tringas, or shanks, on offer at Kapar. Four species - have a go at identifying them, then see how you got on at the bottom of the post.

Well, obviously this is a (Common) REDshank!

This is a mix of Common Redshanks, Terek Sandpipers and Curlew Sandpipers. The redshanks and Tereks moved off before it got light.

A Common Greenshank (front) with three Nordmann's.

The thin white line! Remarkably, there were periods during which the commonest Tringa in view was Nordmann's Greenshank. I counted 46 birds, the joint highest count at Kapar over the years (46 were also counted on 3rd Jan 2010). 40 are in this video - see if you can find them all! I think it illustrates well how easy it is to underestimate/undercount birds at roosts. They so easily get lost behind each other!

A couple flashing those pearly underwings!

Ever since I found my first one at Beidaihe in 1986, when we barely knew what one was supposed to look like, NGs have been special birds for me. So having this flock in view for three days was a great treat.

I still have some way to go on my flight shots!
Answer: (front to back) Marsh Sandpiper, Common Greenshank, Common Redshank, Nordmann's Greenshank (and Bar-tailed Godwit).
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